You’ve been in or started a lot of things - Verbattle, Udaya TV, FFM, ACT, et cetera. Which was your favorite?
Anything that allows me to do good for people.
Which one(s) where those?
All of them. Is something I could guide somebody, in something I could help somebody. In something I could work with somebody, in something I could understand somebody. Everything was an opportunity.
On your website, it says you have many dreams still, that are becoming clearer, as you go on.
Yes, I think that I cannot get stuck. If I’m stuck, or if I stop, that only means I’m dead. As long as I’m alive, I need to keep my thoughts alive, my mind alive, and my life alive. To be able to keep all those things alive, I need to keep my world alive. So unless you’re aspirational, you cannot really so well. And you don’t do it for others, you do it for yourself, because you fell a better person.
And how do you plan on keeping your world alive?
I think I need to become more useful, I think I need to be an example to myself, I need to guide myself, I need to lead myself, I need to see myself as to where I stand in this world, I need to have a very clear perspective, very clear understanding of why I’m here. And then I think everything else will become very clear to me. And that’s the beginning. I don’t think I’ve actually reached that stage because I’m still in the process of understanding things.
In your entire career of media, when was your worst and best time?
My best time was every time, and my worst time, (laughter) was when did not have much money to even reach the studio!
Before your career of media, what where you doing?
I studied journalism in college, but I did not want to become a journalist. I only did it to divert the attention of my folks at home, because I didn’t do that well in 12th, so to impress them, I chose journalism. Even after I finished that course, I still wasn’t interested in media.
So then what made you go into media?
Well, then I needed a job, and there was an opening in journalism, so I took it.
And now?
And now I’m the senior most TV anchor, interviewer, presenter. I think I’ve done almost everything that can be done on TV over the last 16 years.
Including dancing?
(No answer.) I don’t think he heard me.
What have you done in media?
I’ve been on the radio, I’ve done a lot do do with TV; I’ve choreographed, directed, written, and acted, I’ve done theatre, been in movies, written for newspapers, and more, so I certainly think I’ve done something in media. (Laughter.)
How do you think you’ve helped the world?
I think I’ve helped the world be being, or at least trying to be a good person. Ithink that’s what people need to do. Before you think of doing good for the world, you need to think of being a good person yourself.
“Who is a good person?” I think that itself is a big discovery. The most important thing about one is, “Am I being responsible?” I think if you’re responsible, half the job is done. And first of all, identify what is responsibility. I think I have been, or at least have tried to be a good person. In my eyes, I am a good person. And at least I have added one good citizen to this world.
And what is the most helpful thing you think you’ve done so far?
See today, through, Spider’s Web, a TV show, in which I interview mostly politicians. I try to get them to confess things or get views on them by trapping them with my words. I have made my viewers realize that nobody’s beyond reproach or questions. Today, through my show, people feel, at least in the state of Karnataka, that there’s somebody to question people when they do wrong.
And what do you think of Inventure Academy?
I did not expect to see much, like the mother speaking about her child. Whatever the child is, she’ll certainly think it’s the best in the world. And when Nooraine was talking about the school, I thought that was the case. But when I came here, the very first sight impressed me.
So what impressed you about Inventure?
The space, the light, and the feel.
Do you think it’s living up to it’s motto: Carpe Diem? It means ‘Seize the Day’.
I think it’s better than that. I think it surpasses it’s own benchmarks.
One last thing: Can you describe yourself in one word?
Thank you!
Parthiv Shah, grade 7 interviewed Mr.DeepaK Thimaya.
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