Thursday, December 16, 2010

High School Muse-ical with 200 students!

A high school musical with two hundred adolescents??? What were we getting ourselves into!!?? Well for starters dollops of enthusiasm, heaps of energy and an outpouring of ideas (much contrary to what we expected)! Through this process we have encouraged the children to experiment, encouraged them to enjoy and tonight, we encourage them to excel!

If this production started out as a blank canvas, the painting you will see on stage today has been plotted, painted and perfected by each child bringing their own special colour to it. And to make sure not a single stroke was out of place, they have been ably and patiently guided by their extremely talented teachers. But what's an artist without a patron? The management of the school has painstakingly provided time, space and the required resources to ensure that this painting will have a special place on the wall and we hope in your hearts!

This journey, has been a truly Magically one!
Deepthi Shetty & Arati Sunawala

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