Friday, February 19, 2010

Do you need a perfect username??

A few of my methods to find the perfect username for you.

Have you ever struggled with a good username? Thought about it hours and hours and still couldn’t find a good username to suit you and your personality? Or have you found one but it’s already being used? Well, probably these tips will end that struggle. This is going to be mainly about how to get a username. I’m on multiple websites that require an account, and have found pretty good usernames for each. If you can’t get one, try out these tips-

Let it match your personality

One of the most important things to remember. You would always want a username matching your personality, and what you are. Making up a random username that makes no sense to you and simply sounds weird in your mind won’t help. When you think of personality, think of adjectives. You could be happy, sad, angry, grumpy, tall, short, fat, thin, round, talkative, wierd, depressed etc. As my username says IamKrazy, it simply says I’m crazy! It’s a simple username, and you can do the same thing as well. For example, Iamhappy, 2sad4ever, reallygrumpy etc.

A username matching your personality could probably be the easiest way to get a good username.

Short and sweet can be the solution

No need to go for something long. As a matter of fact, short usernames help as well. Personality can come into play here as well. When I say short and sweet, it could be your own name, or a word that you use frequently.
A mix of random words that you know well
Always works. If your username is too long, instead of thinking of a new one, shorten the letters into a little thing. For example, if you want the name iamthebestintheworld you can simply take the first letter of every word and make it look like iatbitw, something that nobody else will realize, and most probably will not be taken. It will be your little secret. My email is ssfbb45, and all the letters are short for something.

A word that sounds cool

If there’s one particular favorite word you have, use it! It will sound cool to you, to your friends, and you’ll get a good username. For example, my username for this one account is virus02647, and virus is my favorite word. It gives me and my friends a good feeling.
It can be your own name
If you can’t find anything, put your full name there. As simple as that.

Add some numbers!

If you’ve got a good username, and it’s already taken, just add a few numbers that you can memorize. In my class everybody has a particular number. One of my friends has 361, other has 1023, and as for me, mine is 02647. I’ll remember that for the rest of ,my life. If you add numbers, most probably the word won’t be taken.
Those are all the tips I can think of, they will surely help you get a good username in the end.

Rohan Desai
Grade 8

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