Sunday, November 1, 2009

What I Learnt From My Father

Only a few days before my birthday, when I was about to turn four, I got a two wheeler bicycle and learned to ride it. Who was the proud one? ME, not only me but my father too. He taught me to stand strong. He wiped my tears when I fell down. He was always beside me, our bond between each other is immortal.
He scolds me only to encourage me, and to teach me right from wrong. He is amazing- my world war battler! I know he'll win. He will win because he won't cheat. If I cheat, I am the one losing out, if I cheat, I don't see the greatness and the truth of what I am doing. My father lives to help me.
He was willing to teach me an entire concept of Maths again just so I would get it correct. My dad told me something I would never forget. It is just one word, but a lovely one. MUSIC. Yes, music is that one word. It can be sweet and soft, or harsh and loud or even a combination that doesn't even go together but he said that, that's the beauty of music. To me music is God and so it is to him too. I chant music, it echoes in my head.
What I learnt from my father means a lot more to me than studies. Another form of education is love - and that's what my father is - a combination of love and belief. A combination that adds up to.....BEST!!!
Arya Rao,
Grade 6A

1 comment:

RituP said...

So well said Arya. Great write up.