Monday, March 15, 2010

A Fog to Remember

Something was not right. Something needed to be changed, understood, and grasped. What it was? I did not know. I sat by the window sill waiting for nothing in particular. So I would have liked to believe. The rain arrived and a sense of relief washed over my distracted mind. Perhaps I was waiting for the rain.
Rain poured, leaving everything blurred. Every drop fell with a hint of rhythm and there I sat, watching the rain, failing to calculate the precision of drops. I was lost in thought and confused. Confused about something I did not know. Was it an emotion? Was it something I had seen? Was it something I ate, drank, smelt? I did not know.
Something bothered me, something I did not know of. I decided to blindly submit myself to the rain, as if it were my guardian. So I walked into the fog that the rain created. Maybe it was the fog in my mind that the rain was trying to portray. Initially it seemed as though the rain was trying to ignore me, but just as that thought died, the rain decided to come down on me with all its might. Maybe it was trying to tell me something? I did not have an answer. So I walked further, without an aim of certainty.
As I walked, I watched people standing in shops, sipping on the warm essence of tea in the cold air that raided the sky. Some were playing cards and some were just watching me walk by, wondering why I was out to catch hyperthermia. The same doubt in their minds was in mine. I do not know why I was walking but it just felt and seemed right. Maybe I was walking to find what I did not know.
The rain seemed to walk with me. It did not die, almost keeping me going. It was as though the rain was leading me somewhere. It probably wanted me to see something, feel something, smell something. I did not know.
Yes, I was clueless and all I understood precisely was that I was confused. Time seemed to pause, to watch me walk by, wondering what I was, who I was and where I was going. Who was I? I did not know. Soon enough I saw a silhouette. It seemed to be a tree but who knows what the eye sees. As I walked closer to it, the rain called upon the wind for help. And with a blink of the eye, the wind had come down upon me whispering in my ears, words I couldn’t quite grasp. However, I was certain both the rain and wind wanted me to approach the mystical silhouette of the tree.
With nothing to lose and in the hope of something to gain, I walked. Suddenly all the shops were soulless and all that could be heard was the sound of the wind which hummed a tune I had never heard. The streets were empty and the silhouette and I were the only undefined things on it. The world seemed to be dead. But none of this occurred to me except the overpowering sense of confusion.
The silhouette slowly started to relieve itself of the blanket of fog that covered its aura. I could see leaves in the distance covered in grey. All the other colours of light, had stepped back to watch what was going to happen next. The trees that pillared the street bowed down to watch.
Something extraordinary was about to happen.

Ishaan Pujari
Grade 11

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