Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Giving Tree-Book Review

Title: The Giving Tree
Characters: Tree and a boy
Setting: In a forest
Plot: There was once a boy who played under a tree, but the boy became old and stopped visiting the tree. The tree was lonely. One day the boy came back and asked for some money. The tree gave the boy some apples to sell and the tree was happy. Again the boy came and asked for a house. The tree gave the boy branches to make a house. Then the boy came again and asked for a boat to sail far away. So the tree gave the boy his trunk to make a boat. Again the boy came back after a very long time and the tree said that it couldn’t give anything to him as it was just an old stump. But all the boy wanted was a place to sit and rest. The boy sat on the stump and the tree was very happy.

Natasha Aji
Grade 3B

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