Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Giving Tree-The Book Review

Title: The Giving Tree
Characters: Tree and a boy
Setting: A forest
Plot: There was once a tree who loved a boy. Everyday the boy would come and collect her leaves, play hide-and go-seek, eat her apples and rest in her shade when he was tired. When the boy grew old his visits became fewer. One day the boy came. The tree shook with joy. He asked her for money. She offered him her apples. Then he wanted a house. She offered him her branches to build a house. Then he wanted a boat to take him far away. She said, “Come and cut my branches.” Then, when after many years when the boy came back, the tree said, “I have nothing left for you to give. I am just an old stump.” The boy said, “I want nothing from you. I just need a place to sit and rest.” The tree was too happy to have the boy close to her.

Sitara Ballal
Grade 3B

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