Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Suman Sridharan,Our Sports Editor from Inventure Academy visits the Times of India Press.

I had an interesting field trip on Saturday, 27th Feb 2010.So interesting that after it was done I didn't mind giving up my Saturday, to be honest, i did show a hint of unhappiness when i was informed . I was chosen to visit the Times printing press the largest of its kind in Asia, it was a great opportunity for me to see how my morning paper got made, and for me to meet new people. I was asked to describe the press in this report, and a brilliant short introductory description would be that it was big, it was noisy, and it smelled like ink. It was amazing on how large a scale these people were operating. I saw towers of 4 feet wide paper reels that were stacked so high that they reached the ceiling of an airplane hanger sized storeroom. I saw printing machines that were 3 stories high and worth approximately a 100 crores each.

What interested me was the environmentally friendly aspect of the business, it is a challenge to be environmentally friendly when you're operating on such a large scale, but in this press most of the paper used is recycled. and there are plans to use more solar power, so all in all the Times isn't doing a very bad job. As a commerce student I also got to see in practice the motivational aspect of the business, how employees are kept safe, happy and motivated to become more productive. For example the management used awards like employee of the month, best suggestion, and annual trips to increase motivation and team working, employees were provided pension schemes, safety equipment, good sanitation, cantines, and recreation time, to make them feel more secure and comfortable at work. I also got to see how the production process can be made more efficient by using more capital and regularly maintaining and updating existing capital in order to make the press more productive.

All in all a very informative trip, I'd like to thank my school and Times NIE for making it possible.

Suman Sridharan,
Grade 11

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